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Being in a relationship can be really exciting, but sometimes it can be confusing too.

There’s no right or wrong time to start a relationship. And deciding whether you want to get together with someone should always be your choice.

It’s important to think about what makes you happy, especially if you’re feeling pressured by other people.

Healthy and unhealthy relationships

Relationships can be confusing. Especially if you really like someone but they do things you’re not comfortable with.

Being in a relationship can be exciting and should make you feel happy. A healthy relationship is when everyone feels respected, trusted and valued for who they are.

A healthy relationship includes:

  • Good communication – You and your partner can talk openly about things without feeling scared of what might happen, or being judged for what you’ve said.
  • Mutual respect – You listen to each other and respect each other’s boundaries. And nobody does anything to make you feel uncomfortable, scared or humiliated.
  • Trust – You can trust each other without getting jealous, including being able to spend time with other people.
  • Honesty – Being able to say what you think and feel without censoring yourself or worrying what might happen.
  • Equality – Nobody in a relationship should have power over the other person, and it’s never okay for someone to force you to do something.
  • Being yourself – You’re able to keep being yourself, doing things you enjoy and spending time with friends and family outside of the relationship.

Even when it feels like you need your relationship, it can still be unhealthy or abusive. There might be one thing that makes you question your relationship, or lots of little things.

Sex and consent

It’s normal to have lots of questions about sex, consent, or doing sexual things.

It can sometimes feel awkward talking about sex. You might have been told that it’s something embarrassing, or that you shouldn’t talk about sex. But it’s natural to have questions, and talking to someone you trust can really help.

Consenting means you understand and agree to something without being pressured or feeling scared. Consent isn’t just about saying yes or no, and how you feel can change from one moment to the next.

If you’re thinking about doing something sexual, then everyone must be consenting and comfortable with it. It’s your responsibility to know whether your partner is consenting.

Bromley’s sexual health and contraception service

Free sexual health and contraception services for people living in Bromley. This includes local sexual health clinics, safe sex support, free emergency contraception, STI (including chlamydia) testing at pharmacies.

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