Living and feeling independent

Lots of teens start thinking about living independently as they get older. The skills needed to live independently include cooking, housekeeping, travelling and handling money.

Choose a topic:

Help with money

A home you choose

Support and care

Help with money

Money helps you to pay your bills and buy the things you need or want in life. It comes from having a job or receiving benefits.

Learn about what support is available about money and who to talk to if you need advice, including: 16-19 Bursary Fund, Employment Support Allowance (ESA), Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA), Universal Credit, and changing from DLA to PIP.

A home you choose

If you no longer wish to live in your family home, you may want to move into your own home. You could move into a flat or a house with friends or live alone.

Learn about your available housing options, including: supported housing; Shared Lives; social (council) housing; and private renting. You can also find information about what to do if you are at risk of becoming homeless.

Support and care

If you receive support from Children’s Social Care, including the 0-25 Service, your social worker will start to work with you from Year 9 to help you plan for the future.

Learn about what support is available, including adult care and support needs assessment; paying for care and support; personal budgets and direct payments; and decision-making and the Mental Capacity Act.

Travelling around the borough
An icon of a map with a journey route and location pin
Be more independent, safer and confident in choosing the right transport for you.
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