A home you choose

If you no longer wish to live in your family home, you may want to move into your own home. You could move into a flat or a house with friends or live alone.

Moving out is a big decision and it’s important to think about it first. Take your time before deciding. Leaving isn’t always simple, and it’s important to make sure you’re prepared if you do.

Use this page to learn more about:

Your rights →

Housing options →

Worried about becoming homeless? →

Your rights

Your right to move out depends a lot on how old you are:

Under 16

When you’re under 16 your parents or carers have a responsibility to take care of you. This means that you can’t move out and you can’t legally be told or forced to move out.

Aged 16 to 17

When you’re 16 or over, you have the right to leave home without your parent’s or carer’s permission and your parents or carers have the right to ask you to leave.

When you’re under 18, you usually can’t rent a property by yourself. But you can get support if you’re not living at home anymore.

Aged 18 or over

When you’re 18, you’re considered to be an adult. You can leave home, be asked to leave and you can rent a property.

Housing options

When you reach 18 you will be able to rent a property. You can also consider when you are able to apply for a mortgage.

If you have additional needs, are on a low income or need extra support, there are other options for you to consider:

Social housing

Renting a council or housing association property. If you are eligible, it is worth noting that many people face a very long wait for a property. 

Shared Lives

Finding vulnerable young people and adults a home with a suitable carer so they are able to live more independently and also feel part of a family and a community.

Physical disabilities

An assessment from an occupational therapist (OT), who may make a referral for a Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) to help adapt the home.

Worried about becoming homeless?

The Council will provide you with housing advice and assistance on your housing related query or homelessness issue. They can help you if you are:

  • Homeless today.
  • Rough sleeping or have insecure housing.
  • Struggling with rent or mortgage payments.
  • Served with a notice or your tenancy is coming to an end.
  • Fleeing domestic abuse.
  • Struggling to stay in your home and need help or support to do so.

They will give you advice and develop a plan with you to sort your housing issues. They will discuss a range of housing solutions to ensure you know the options available to you.

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