Travelling around the borough
Be more independent, safer and confident in choosing the right transport for you.
Travelling safely
There are things you can do before you travel and while you are travelling to help you stay safe.
Use the PLAN guidance:
- Plan your journey – think “How do I get there?” and “How do I get back?” before you leave.
- Tell someone where you are going, who with and when you arrive back.
- If you can, travel with friends or somebody you know.
- Think about any possible dangers.
- Have a list of phone numbers to contact if things go wrong.
Look confident
- Wear comfortable clothes and shoes that let you move easily.
- Remember your body language – stand tall and look like you know where you are going.
- Carry a shriek alarm (and learn how to use it), emergency phone numbers, some change in your pocket, and keep your keys in a safe pocket.
Avoid risks and be aware of what’s happening
- Keep looking at and listening to what’s happening around you.
- Keep away from odd or out-of-the-way places wherever you can.
- When you travel at night, try to wait in a brightly lit place and be aware of your surroundings.
- Try not to change plans at the last minute – or if you have to, tell someone.
- Keep your personal belongings close to you at all times.
- Only use your mobile phone if you really have to.
- Keep one hand free – not in your pocket or cluttered up with shopping.
Never take your safety for granted
Never say to yourself:
- “It only happens to other people”.
- “It’s only a short journey”.
- “They look honest”.
Accessible transport
Travelling on public transport is an important part of independent living. But if you’ve never done it before it can be a bit scary. Kids have produced a useful guide to help you get started.
The Council have produced a guide to help you be more independent, safer and confident in choosing the right transport option for you.
Using public transport (buses, trains and trams)
The TfL Go app and Journey Planner give the best routes between stations, bus stops, places of interest, addresses or postcodes. You can also set the time you want to travel and whether you want to take the fastest route or the one with fewest changes or least walking involved. It can also tell you quieter times at your station.
TfL also produces a range of accessibility maps and guides that you can order or download.
Easy read guide
TfL have produced an Easy Read guide about getting around London.